IT Field Support

ACS has extensive presence across the kingdom even in remote areas, we deliver qualified and committed field support for network, data center and end user computing with high quality and efficient timelines.

IT Field Support Services Include:

Onsite Configuration & Troubleshooting


Hardware Break-Fix

Site Surveys & Assessments

Preventive Maintenance Visits

Why ACS Field Support:

  • Multi-Vendor Equipment Support.
  • All Incidents are resolved in accordance to pre agreed SLAs.
  • Qualified & Dedicated Team.

Success Stories

Our Client is one of the leading financial institutions in Saudi Arabia. It was established in 1977 to offer traditional wholesale, retail, and commercial banking products.


Our on boarding process started with assessing our client’s IT environment and performing GAP Analysis to the entire department. The results gave us exact status of infrastructure in place to build on it, Strengths to maintain & develop and weaknesses that need enhancements. Their Challenges were as below.

  • Ad Hoc support services with No measures in place.
  • Multi vendor infrastructure with No Single Point of ownership.
  • High cost of running operations
  • Low customer satisfaction ratings
  • Resources not utilized effectively
  • Resources Skills gap
  • Resources Retention
  • High cost of support in Remote areas.
  • No time for Services improvements initiatives.
  • NO SLA, KPI & performance measure

ACS proposed  “Managed Services” solution which offers a multi-layered approach, delivering a 24/7 IT Support for a single point of contact for any IT request, a Technical Back-office team actively monitoring and remediating any alerts that may arise, and a Professional Services team for all onsite and field support needs.

Results & Achievements:

  • 98% SLA COMPLIANCE throughout the Agreement term
  • SPOC- Single point of contact for all end user services
  • >20% Cost reduction compared to staffing model.
  • 65%+ First call resolution achievement
  • Continuous service improvement initiatives
  • High Services availability
  • High staff productivity due to reduced downtime
  • Cross skills trainings & comprehensive KEDB to reduce Average handling time.


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