ACS Ensured Zero Business Disruption for its Banking clients during the COVID-19 Crisis

The unprecedented spread of COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. Every industry is feeling its effects, with chaos and uncertainty prevailing everywhere. Amidst the mounting toll and indiscriminate spread of the virus, enterprises globally have struggled to keep normal office spaces operational. They were forced to swiftly move to remote operations, and at the same time, ensure that the bulk of the workforce can productively work from home.

In this report, we will take a look at how ACS effectively handled the COVID-19 situation and ensured the safety of its employees while delivering zero business disruption to ITS Banking client engagements.

Remote Knowledge Transfer

General guidelines were established for all employees to work from home. Remote Knowledge Transfer was enabled swiftly and smoothly. Quick but detailed planning was done considering all constraints related to COVID situation.

There was a seamless collaboration with the IT teams for hardware delivery to team members within 2 days of the request.

100% remote transition was achieved leveraging ACS and customer’s existing collaboration tools.

Governance by involving all key stakeholders to enable the whole functioning was a key contributor to the smooth functioning of remote Knowledge Transfer.


Key pointers that make us proud!

  • Time to move from 0% to 95% WFH: 5 Working Days
  • Special permits & logistical arrangements for ACS Resources working on client projects with key device and location dependencies
  • Regular and transparent communication between delivery and client teams.